The Diamond Ship - by Adrian Beckingham - a pirate story for children 6+
Here's a true story that waited three hundred years to be told. It's the most exciting moment in pirate history, and yet this little book is the first to tell it! What do pirates love more than anything? That's right - treasure!
It was in the year 1721 that a pirate captain named John Taylor took the largest single prize ever on the high seas. He and his crew of mutineers took a bounty that would take 48,000 years to earn on a sailor's wages. The diamonds were bound for the King of Portugal. He had used slaves in India to mine them. Now they belonged to Captain Taylor. Did he share them fairly with his men? Would you? Find out what really happened and learn some surprising pirate facts in this swashbuckling read.
ISBN: 9781906132491 Ages: 8+
We will also be purchasing our children more Mogzilla books as they are just wonderful (my 9 year old already has a list of the one's he'd like to try next).