Inspired by real life events, this "unputdownable" WWII story chronicles the horrors of the Dunkirk evacuations through the eyes of Charlie, a runaway naval cadet. Ideal for ages 10+ and anyone with an interest in Dunkirk and WWII. A perfect Key Stage 2 WWII novel.
' This is an unputdownable adventure story woven around the evacuation at Dunkirk and then the D-Day landings. Packed with historical facts but written as fiction this is a great aid to pupils studying WW2 but also a thrilling read and a crucial reminder to children today of what their ancestors did in preventing what would have resulted in an entirely different country had the UK been invaded by the Nazis.'
Love Reading For Kids
Paul has delivered over 50 WW2 themed school workshops in which the book features heavily: WWII school workshops
We will also be purchasing our children more Mogzilla books as they are just wonderful (my 9 year old already has a list of the one's he'd like to try next).